Sediment Traps
Ensure your appliances are safe.

What is a Sediment Trap?
Sediment Traps installed at gas appliances are used to help catch any sediment or debris that may be present in the gas line and prevent it from entering the appliance and possibly damaging it. This could be things such as metal shavings from pipe cutting and threading during gas line installation at the home or dirt that may have gotten in to the line from utility crews installing gas mains underground.
Where do they go?
Sediment Traps should be installed on gas appliances such as water heater and home heating units “downstream of the appliance shutoff valve as close to the inlet of the appliance as practical.” The Sediment Trap must be installed vertically to function properly.
Will it be called out in a Home Inspection if not installed?
A Home Inspectors job is too educate and inform the client, if an item is missing or inoperable we will always make the client aware. The cost of a Sediment Trap is about $10-$20, it is up to the buyer if they deem it necessary for them add or replace.
Remember the sediment trap is designed to assist in protecting the gas appliance from additional wear. If an appliance is already towards the end of its service life the addition of a sediment trap may be of little assistance, and better utilized on the replacement appliance when eventually installed.